Friday, September 19, 2008

Terrible two's

So do you see this sweet innocent little girl who will turn 2 on Saturday? Well she did an all out kicking and screaming two year old tantrum yesterday..... No holding back. We took Grace to school a little late because she had a Dr apt. When we got to the school Grace's class was in the library so I went to her class to help her put her backpack in then I was going to take her to the library. Elsie on the other hand decided she wanted to stay and play in the class room. So I had to pick her up kicking and screaming and carry her all the way down the long hall (Grace's class is of course the last one in the hall so we had to pass at least 10 others to come back to the library), get Grace to the library, and go out to the car. This still didn't slow her down. Then I had to force her into her car seat (that little body is surprisingly very strong) . I bet it took me at least 5 minutes to get her clicked in. Then as we drove away (tantrum still going) she wiggled out of the top part of the car seat so I had to pull over and physically force her back in. Luckly the short ride home calmed her down but WOW. I wasn't ready for that one.

1 comment:

Eli and Steph said...

Grandma told me that Elsie thinks she is the boss at your house. She is so cute...I don't know if I believe you about her tantrums...just kidding! It has been forever since I've seen you guys! Tell Gracie Happy B-day and sorry that we missed it. Eli has loved looking at pictures of you guys. He's excited that there is still more family to meet. He and his family have hit it off really well with the crazy aunts and G'ma Shirley. He's excited to meet you and John and thinks that your two girls are adorable (he's a sucker for little kids--you should see him with his own 11 nieces and nephews and with Gabbi). He also thinks its crazy that Thomas is taller than him and that Benjamin is probably not far behind in surpassing him height. Tell everybody hi for us! And, if you guys ever get the inkling to come to Rochester again, you'll have family to visit :) Casey, Ali and the Gabster are coming for Christmas from it sounds... (yay!)
love you guys,