Thursday, September 25, 2008


I am looking for some advice. I washed and dried a load of laundry the other day and when I went to get it out of the drier I realized someone (Elsie) had a yellow, pink, and purple crayon in her pocket.... I put stain remover on and washed again but no change. Some of the clothes look ok with a few little specks of color on them but there are 3 shirts that are ruined if I can't get the crayon out. Any ideas?


Unknown said...

i googled it and apparently you can mix borax, oxyclean, vinegar and stain remover with your laundry detergent... good luck and let me know what works! i'm sure i'll be there in no time... ;)

Eli and Steph said...

Send the shirts to Casey and Ali and let them tie-dye 'em for you! (if of course Ali's suggestion doesn't work)

Sarah said...

Ooooh I hate that!! I hope you can get it out! Good Luck!!